Frequently asked questions
If you have any other questions you want to ask, please get in touch.
Is Domper live yet, and how can I get started?
Domper is not live yet. However, we're accepting invitations for GitHub open-source contributions. Stay tuned for updates on our official channels!
Can I contribute to Domper's development on GitHub?
Absolutely! We welcome contributors to join our open-source initiative on GitHub. Check our repository for invitations and details on how you can contribute.
Is Domper free for personal use?
Yes, Domper is committed to remaining free for personal use forever. We believe in providing accessible tools for individuals to manage their social media effortlessly.
Are you currently hiring for your team?
Yes, we're actively looking for passionate individuals to join the Domper team. Explore opportunities and express your interest by reaching out to us through our official channels.
How can I stay updated on Domper's progress?
Follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates on Domper's development, launch announcements, and opportunities to get involved.
What technologies is Domper built with?
Domper is built using cutting-edge technologies. Explore our GitHub repository for insights into our tech stack and methodologies.
Can I request a feature or provide feedback?
Absolutely! We value your input. Join our community discussions on GitHub to share your ideas, request features, or provide feedback on how we can enhance your experience.
When is the expected launch date for Domper?
While we don't have an exact launch date yet, we're working diligently to bring Domper to life. Stay connected on our official channels for upcoming announcements.
How can I express interest in joining Domper's team?
Reach out to us through the provided contact information, expressing your interest in joining the Domper team. We're excited to welcome new talents on board!